TRANSFER BREAKFAST: French Toast, 2 pounds of bacon, 1 loaf of homemade bread, orange juice, strawberries and blueberries, eggs, hash browns, syrup, jam, and lots of butter! No leftovers!
Elder Neil on his 4th or 5th (?) piece of french toast. These two Elders can really eat!
Sisters Moore (going home) and Sister Caudill
After breakfast siesta on the recliners the Elders so kindly gave to us as a trade for smaller ones. They regret it, but we don't!
Sister Moore, Sister Caudill, Elder Lemmert (trying to look as large as Elder McGinnis), Elder McGinnis (trying to look as small as Elder Lemmert), and Elder Neil - they are wearing their service attire.
So who is the strong one?? Well, at least Elder Lemmert beat Elder McGinnis twice in "Horse" basketball
Sister Moore at her missionary funeral.
Tuesday night after the Elders came by and cleaned out our ice cream. They don't want us to get tired of any flavors, so they clean it out regularly. Did we mention that they are both football players?